Shelley’s Way is a Mental Health Agency designed to strengthen family units, connect families with comprehensive mental health treatment, and improve youth functioning within the home and community.




Youth identified as 'at-risk' often lack the essential coping mechanisms required to manage life's multifaceted pressures. Consequently, they may experience adverse effects such as academic underperformance, social complications, diminished self-esteem, unrealized potential, and strained familial relations, among others. At Shelley's Way, we offer a comprehensive suite of services, thoughtfully designed to address these challenges, ensuring every young individual is equipped to realize their potential and lead fulfilling lives.




At Shelley’s Way, we diligently construct a strategic plan designed to guide our mentees with structured instructions and realistic goal-setting. Our approach encompasses detailed information about diverse career paths while providing mentorship, motivation, emotional support, and positive role modeling.

Our targeted focus is on assisting at-risk youth, devising actionable plans that empower them to shape and enhance their future trajectories. Through comprehensive services, Shelley's Way facilitates College Readiness, encourages Community Volunteering, and champions school advocacy for our mentees.

We liaise with school administration, aid in sports programs, and provide support for job readiness, ensuring that each mentee receives a multifaceted support network for their journey towards success.

Behavioral Assistance (BA)

Our Behavioral Assistants focus on specific behaviors that pose obstacles to a youth's optimal functioning. A custom-tailored service plan is devised for each individual, equipped to manage and alleviate behavioral issues effectively.

This plan not only undergoes regular, detailed modifications but also implements a range of interventions and strategies. These strategies aim to manage behavioral challenges, while simultaneously strengthening and developing essential skills such as coping mechanisms, communication aptitude, adaptability, and anger management abilities.

Intensive In-Community (IIC)

Our Intensive In-Community (IIC) Services provide a meticulously targeted, goal-directed, and needs-based clinical intervention aimed at addressing the emotional and behavioral complexities faced by youth with moderate to high needs. This comprehensive approach is steered by the unique needs and aspirations of each youth and their family, ensuring personalized care.

The fundamental aim of our interventions is to alleviate symptoms, foster skill development, and restore or preserve the functioning of the youth, parents, and family ensuring their optimal growth and well-being. Our IIC clinicians furnish an assortment of interventions tailored to support both the youth and their families, thereby fostering resilience and facilitating holistic development.




Parent mentors at Shelley's Way, guided by our three key pillars - Parental Empowerment, Family Wellness, and Community Connection - play an instrumental role in nurturing empathetic and communicative relationships between parents and their children. Through these pillars, we facilitate discussions around the current issues concerning their child, providing insights and guidance to parents. We introduce advanced communication techniques specifically designed to improve dialogue between youth and parents. These techniques, firmly rooted in our principle pillars, aim to foster a more understanding and affectionate familial bond, enhancing overall family dynamics.


Parental Empowerment

Our first pillar revolves around fostering parental empowerment. We aim to equip parents with the knowledge, resources, and skills needed to navigate the complexities of parenthood confidently. Through guidance, we help parents understand their unique parenting style, building on strengths and addressing areas for growth.

Family Wellness

The second pillar centers on family wellness. We strive to promote mental, emotional, and physical health within the family unit, creating an environment conducive to growth and development. This includes offering services such as family counseling, stress management resources, and wellness education to ensure that every family member thrives.

Community Connection

Our third pillar is all about nurturing community connections. We believe that a robust support network is vital for successful parenting. Therefore, we work to connect parents with essential community resources, from educational programs and social services to mutual support groups, fostering a sense of belonging and collective resilience.